Wheat Analysis System Methods — Bread Baking
A straight-dough method is used in which all ingredients are combined at the start of mixing to make a pup loaf for the evaluation of bread baking quality. Suspensions of 1.5% salt, 6% sugar, and 0.3% malt extract, plus adequate water to optimized the dough elasticity and extensibility, are incorporated into the dry ingredients, that consist of: 100 g flour (14% mb), 1.8% dry yeast, 4% non-fat dry milk solids and 3% partially hydrogenated shortening with mono- and di-glycerides (Crisco). The mixing time and water absorption are optimized for each sample. Fermentation time is 90 minutes, during which the dough is punched three times, and panned immediately after the third punch. Proof time is about 32 minutes, set by observation of standard loaves. Loaves are baked at 425 degrees for 21 minutes, measured by rapeseed displacement, and scored for crumb grain when cool. We based our method on AACC Method 10-10B, using the non-fat dry milk option, and eliminating optional dough conditioners and oxidizers. (1),(3),(4),(5),(6),(9).
Bake Water Absorption (BABS): The amount of water required to make a dough of proper consistency for bread baking when mixed to optimum condition as judged by an experienced baker using the baking method described above (3).
Mixing Time (MTIME): Time in minutes required to mix the flour and the other bread dough constituents to the optimum condition as judged by an experienced baker (4).
Loaf Volume (LVOL): Volume of bread loaf, measured by rapeseed displacement (cc).
Bread Crumb Grain (BCRGR): Subjective evaluation of crumb grain quality as judged by an experienced baker.