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Wheat Analysis System Methods – Alkaline Noodle Making

Formula contains 100 g flour, 0.5 g NA2CO3, 2 g NaCl and 34 g water (14% constant flour moisture basis) with dough sheet and noodles prepared with an Otake Laboratory Noodle Machine. Water may be adjusted for a nursery to more closely achieve optimum water absorption. Color measurements are made using a Minolta Chroma Meter set to the L* a* b* color system.

Alkaline Noodle Brightness Reading (L0ANC) & (L24ANC) L* reading from the Minolta Chroma meter at 0 hr and 24 hr.

Alkaline Noodle Red – Green Reading (A0ANC) & (A24ANC)a* reading from the Minolta Chroma meter at 0 hr and 24 hr.

Alkaline Noodle Yellow – Blue Reading (B0ANC) & (B24ANC) b* reading from the Minolta Chroma meter at 0 hr and 24 hr.

Alkaline Flour Color(PKCOLOR): An alkaline Pekar slick is prepared by pressing flour to a smooth surface, immersing in a 3.0% w/v alkaline solution consisting of 50 % K2CO3 and 50% Na2CO3 for 2 minutes. The sample rests at a room temperature of 77 for 4 hours before visual observation and scoring. Flours were scored by the following: S = satisfactory, Q = questionable, and U = unsatisfactory. Desirable flour color ranges from bright white through creamy yellow to bright yellow. Any dullness, brown, or greenish casts are unacceptable. Alkaline flour color is scored only on SWW, HWW, SWS and HWS flours which have a minimum RVA viscosity of 150 and a minimum NIR wheat hardness (UWHRD) value of 40.